Vacation has Commenced
Deep Dyed Yarns at SAFF

It has been one amazing year here at Deep Dyed Yarns!  There have been quite a few life changes, injuries, joys, and a few heartaches too for me.  I survived them all and am moving forward with determination in my heart.

It needs to be said that none of these things would not have been possibly with out the love and support of family, friends, and customers!  I appreciate and love each and everyone of you so very much for being there to listen and support me along the way.  I could not have done that without a single one of you!  Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.

Now on to the Knitty Gritty news of now.  I am taking a long over due vacation and will be out of town until Thanksgiving.  Nothing will be shipping until after Thanksgiving as several items might have to be dyed to order when I return from the sunshine state.  Please keep that in mind when ordering ;)

Also, a 12 Days of Christmas mini set has been added to the site and will ship at the same time as the 12 Days of Christmas fiber set! 

November 08, 2019 — Stephanie Stratton

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