Deep Dyed Yarns offers the finest of threads to tempt your yarn loving heart.  From beautiful silky laces to squishy Aran weight, we search the Continent and sometime to the Globe to bring you only the best to tantalize your fingers and needles.


Little know fact.  Stephanie, learned to knit on a British Airways flight from London's Heathrow to New York City.  A kind knitter seated next to her patiently explained the basic ins and outs of knitting in addition to answering Stephanie's questions.  Once home, she found yarn and needles and never looked back.



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Luna Lace

Mare Lace

Serikos Lace

Buddy Sock

Buddy Sock

Glammy Sock

Sand Piper Sport

Miriam DK weight yarn

Miriam DK SALE

Handspun Bulky

Big Tom Aran