Lunabud's Blog
Deep Dyed Yarns Spin Sets

Each Spin Set contains 3 ounces of Merino with one ounce per color. There are several ways they may be spun. I recommend 2 set be purchased when using a spinning wheel or if using spindles, purchase 1 spin set and divide each color in half.
The first method is that a spinner can use 2 sets spun in the exact sequence on 2 bobbins. For example, if the set consists of Blue, Green, and Yellow, One bobbin would be spun Starting with Blue as the first color, Green as the second color, and Yellow as the third color. The second bobbin would be spun Starting with Blue as the first color, Green as the second color, and Yellow as the third color. Finally, the singles from both bobbins are plied together to create a hand-spun gradient yarn.
The second method is to split the fibers lengthwise and spin in a sequence of (color 1, color 2, color 3)* repeating from (to) until all fiber is used. Then spinning a second bobbin in an alternate sequence of (color 2, color 3, color 1)* repeating from (to) until all fiber is used. Then plying the 2 singles together. A spinner may also elect to spin the same sequence for each bobbin.
The third method would be to split the fiber lengthwise and spin in sequence for the first bobbin (color 1, Color 2, Color3)* repeating to end. On the second bobbin the spinner would spin in order all of color 1, all of 2, all of color 3. This would be plied together for a softer gradient than in Method 1.
The fourth method is chaos spinning in which all three colors are held together and spun in a manner the universe dictates on both bobbins which are then plied together. The spinner can allow as much or little control in color selection as they like.
Shawl above was hand spun and knit by me. The pattern is High Desert by Romi Hill and is available on Ravelry.
January 19th Spin-In at Deep Dyed Yarns
Come one and all! You are cordially invited to come and join in the gathering of fabulous makers of gorgeous things. If you do not know who the fabulous makers are, please take the time to look in the mirror and give yourself a smile. You are a fabulous maker!
January 19th from 12pm until 5pm or later if y'all want to stay and have more fun!
Deep Dyed Yarns
605 N Main St
Nicholasville, KY 40356
The building parking lot is on HIGH STREET and we will be in the little red metal building behind Tickled Pink.
What to bring:
Your spinning wheel/spindle and a smile. Maybe a chair or pillow if you do not like folding chairs or IKEA chairs.
Shop Updates
With the fall festivals coming to a close, there will be some new and exciting things rolling out here at Lunabudknits.
First and foremost, my vacation starts next week! Starting Monday evening, I will have a full 5 days before driving home of the following routine in Pensacola Florida:
1. Wake at the crack of dawn to walk on the beach.
2. Shower, put on my pajamas, and sleep.
I also vow to eat my weight in crab and seafood. So far I have a pretty good start with these yummy dishes.
Grits a yaya
Crab claws
November 17th the trailer will be unpacked! New colorways and fibers will be rolling out online just in time for the holidays at the same time! I am so excited to show you guys all the fabulous fun, fluff,and surprises so make sure to check back on the 17th!
i was thrilled to meet the fiber chicken at SAFF!
Squeee! Check out Stephanie's article in Spin-Off!
I feel like I have put on my big girl britches and done something special! I know there are many others much greater with vast fiber knowledge who have gone before me, but I never thought I would be lucky enough to grace the cover of SpinOff, much less have an article contained with in!
With that said, this quarter's SpinOff has my yarn on the front cover and an article your's truly wrote inside as well! To say that I am over the moon would be putting it mildly!
The article is about my corespun squiggle yarn. I hope you guys enjoy it and make beautiful squiggles with it!
I couldn't have done it with out your support and encouragement through out the years. You guys are awesome and I thank you from the bottom of my heart!